Of course, not every twinge, or pain, results from the Multiple Sclerosis. When you visit your doctor, particularly your GP, you may find that he or she puts virtually all your symptoms down to MS itself. Whilst statistically it is probably correct that most of your symptoms will be related to the Multiple Sclerosis, many will not. It is easy for both of you to say ‘Oh, that’s another symptom of MS’ and not realize that, like other people, you can have other everyday problems. It is important that both are recognized in relation to pain as well as other symptoms.
If GPs do confuse Multiple Sclerosis and non-MS symptoms, this is not through incompetence – even specialists sometimes have similar problems. Most GPs have so few people with MS on their patient lists – often only one or two – that, because of all the other pressing demands on their time, they have not been able to study, and experience, all the many twists and turns of the disease. Try a little persistence if you feel that your symptoms are not being treated as carefully as you wish; you can always ask for a second opinion if necessary.