Articles on Medical Diseases and Conditions

Entries Tagged ‘Multiple Sclerosis’

Fatigue, cognitive problems and depression: Mood swings and euphoria

As far as emotional and attitudinal issues in Multiple Sclerosis are concerned, early research suggested that some people were emotionally labile (meaning their emotions fluctuated rapidly), and that other variable emotional symptoms or states arose that appeared to be specific to people with the disease. However, it proved difficult to tell whether the problems were […]

Fatigue, cognitive problems and depression: Depression

The incidence of depression amongst people with Multiple Sclerosis has been a matter of controversy for many years. In the early years of research it was thought that relatively few people with the condition had ‘clinical’ depression, but more recent research indicates that the level of depression is far higher than was previously thought. Recent […]

Fatigue, cognitive problems and depression: Cognitive problems

Research has identified two broad areas where Multiple Sclerosis seems to be involved or has effects that are not so much to do with the mind in general, but with what are more neatly and technically considered as cognitive issues on the one hand, and attitudinal and emotional issues on the other. Cognitive issues are […]

Fatigue, cognitive problems and depression: Fatigue

Fatigue or tiredness is one of the most debilitating symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis and one that worries many people. Up to 90% of people with MS experience overwhelming tiredness at least some of the time. Fatigue in MS is often associated with: • heat (or being hot); • activity – using motor skills, or being […]

Sensations and pain: Pain

For many years Multiple Sclerosis was considered, medically, to be a painless disease, probably because the process of demyelination was thought in itself not to be painful. However, people with MS themselves have known for many years that specific symptoms could cause considerable pain, and this is now being recognized. Chronic pain is experienced by […]

Sensations and pain

Of course, not every twinge, or pain, results from the Multiple Sclerosis. When you visit your doctor, particularly your GP, you may find that he or she puts virtually all your symptoms down to MS itself. Whilst statistically it is probably correct that most of your symptoms will be related to the Multiple Sclerosis, many […]

Sexual relationships: Problems for women

In general women’s sexual problems are cantered on a lack of desire, arousal and orgasm. Lack of desire is the chief complaint among women. A woman’s lack of sexual interest is often tied to her relationship with her partner. It can also be triggered by family concerns, illness or death, financial or job worries, childcare […]

Sexual relationships

Many people are diagnosed with MS at a time when they are, or may be about to become, sexually active in their relationships. The issues associated with how best to manage sexual activity and MS have in the past often proved difficult to discuss with others. However, increasingly, both doctors and other health professionals concerned […]

Diagnosing a bladder problem in Multiple Sclerosis

The most helpful information for a doctor or other health professional to assist in diagnosing your problems is a brief history of any bladder symptoms you may have, for example: • What is your major concern about your bladder/urination? • How often do you urinate during the day/night? • Do you leak when you laugh, […]

Bladder control

This is one of the most difficult issues to deal with in MS, despite being a very common symptom. Research has suggested that between 80–90% of people with MS have urinary problems of some kind, although they vary widely in type and seriousness. More expertise and resources are now being devoted to dealing with it. […]