If you are living in an older property, or even if you are not, there may well be an issue about the property needing repairs. As we have seen in the section above, the possibility of financial support of adaptations to your property might well be linked, amongst other things, to its current state of repair.
If you are not able to pay for repairs yourself, you may be able to get a renovation grant from the council. This is likely to be the case if your home needs extensive repair or improvement work, or if you lack a basic facility such as an indoor toilet or a bath or shower. Home owners and some tenants, although not council tenants, can apply for a renovation grant. You should not assume that you will automatically receive a grant, as they are awarded at the discretion of the Local Authority. The grant is subject to a means test, which assesses how much you will have to contribute towards the cost of works. You will have to contact your local Housing Department for further information and an application form.
Grants of up to ?2000 can be made, or up to ?4000 for separate applications for housing repairs in any 3 years. Home repair assistance is a discretionary grant. The main purpose for which the grant is available is smaller-scale, but still essential, repairs or adaptations. This grant is open to home owners and tenants of private landlords and housing associations. Home repair assistance need not involve an occupational therapist assessment or a means test, although practices vary from one area to another. It is important that applicants ask the council for guidelines on who has priority for the grant in their area before they start putting information together for the application.