Articles on Medical Diseases and Conditions

Entries Tagged ‘Specific gravity’

Tests of Predominantly Tubular Function

These include specific gravity, osmolality, urine excretion of electrolytes, the free water clearance test, and certain substances secreted by renal tubules. Phenolsulfonphthalein (PSP) excretion Phenolsulfonphthalein is excreted mainly by the renal tubules. In general, results give about the same clinical information as the creatinine clearance rate since glomerular and tubular dysfunction usually occur together in […]


The appearance of the specimen is usually reported only if it is abnormal. Red: Blood; porphyria; occasionally urates, phenolphthalein, or dihydroxyanthraquinone (Dorbane) (laxative use) Brown: Blood (acid hematin); alkaptonuria (urine turns brownish on standing); melanin (may be brown and turn black on standing) Dark orange: Bile, pyridium (a urinary tract disinfectant) pH Normal urine pH […]