Articles on Medical Diseases and Conditions

Entries Tagged ‘Complementary therapies’

Costs involved

Many complementary therapies (acupuncture and osteopathy to name only two) are increasingly recognized as having significant benefits and can, in certain circumstances and limited geographic areas, be made available through the NHS. Many GPs are now more willing to accept and recommend alternatives. However, at present in many cases you will have to pay for […]

Safety of complementary therapies

Few complementary therapies have been fully scientifically evaluated, especially in relation to MS. Almost any therapy, scientifically evaluated or not, that has the power to produce very good and positive results, has the potential to do harm. Although complementary therapies are considered as ‘natural’ and, almost by association, to be intrinsically safe, this is not […]

Complementary therapies and Multiple Sclerosis

When there is no current scientifically accepted cure for a disease, people understandably want to try other means of management. Many people over the last 30 or 40 years have claimed that they have the answer to MS, but the difficult problem for all such potential therapies is to find out whether there really is […]