Articles on Medical Diseases and Conditions

Entries Tagged ‘Carbon Dioxide’

Partial Pressure of Carbon Dioxide (PCO2) as a Measure of Respiratory Function

In addition to its use in the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation, PCO2 provides information on pulmonary alveolar gas exchange (ventilation). If PCO2 is high, there is not a sufficient degree of alveolar ventilation. This may be due to primary lung disease (inability of the lungs to ventilate properly) or to some other reason. If PCO2 is low, […]

Carbon Dioxide of pH and Carbon Dioxide

This section describes the laboratory tests used in pH abnormalities, which, incidentally, are often called “acid-base problems” because of the importance of the bicarbonate and carbonic acid changes involved. Carbon dioxide combining power. Venous blood is drawn aerobically with an ordinary syringe and the serum is then equilibrated to normal alveolar levels of 40 mm […]